
BudHat is our approach to implement a version control system for computational models. It is a web interface where registered users are able to upload their models. Uploaded models can be published and shared with others.

BudHat uses BiVeS to detect differences between certain versions of a model. The output of BiVeS is presented as an XML dump and we also implemented a method to visualize these changes in the reaction network of the model.
BudHat is currently able to handle models encoded in SBML and CellML, however it is possible to also support other exchange formats such as NeuroML. If you are looking for support of your type of model encoding feel free to contact us!

A public installation of BudHat is available at budhat.sems.uni-rostock.de.
If you would like to test BudHat, please feel free to contact one of us to get an account. But keep in mind that we only offer testing of BudHat on our site; if you intend long-term version control for your models, please ask your admin to install a local copy of BudHat — The BudHat prototype can easily be integrated in existing solutions.


The most current binaries of BudHat can be downloaded here: BudHat-2.0.war
(verify download: BudHat-2.0.war.md5, integrity check: BudHat-2.0.war.md5.sign).


  1. Install a database (e.g. MySQL)
  2. Setup the database using our SQL scheme
  3. Create a user with all privileges on that database
  4. Configure the database connection for BudHat in the included context.xml. (web/META-INF/context.xml)
  5. deploy the .war file to you Java web server (e.g. tomcat)

You should be able to log into BudHat using the account root and the password budhatrocks.
In case of problems don’t hesitate to contact one of us!


BudHat is developed in JAVA. The sources can be obtained from our git repository:

git clone git://sems.uni-rostock.de/budhat

In order to build the project you need to have ant installed. To compile the sources simply run ant compile and to build a war file run ant war.

Previous Versions

Version MD5-Sum GPG-Signature
BudHat-2.0.war BudHat-2.0.war.md5 BudHat-2.0.war.md5.sign